The Silver Linings Of Lockdown Birthdays

Posted by Beth Pickard on

It has been nearly a year since life as we knew it changed due to the pandemic and celebrations and gatherings took on a whole new look due to social distancing and lockdowns. By now most of us will have experienced a birthday in lockdown, with the idea of not being able to celebrate normally initially a sad scenario. At Talking Tables we have been speaking about our experiences and have discussed the many unexpected silver linings to come out of lockdown birthdays. As restrictions remain limited we wanted to offer our 5 main takeaways of our birthday experiences – the small moments we have not taken for granted.

  •  The enjoyment and heart-warming feeling to come from small gestures we may have previously taken for granted – gifts dropped on the doorstep, home-baked treats and cards sent in the post, or housemates decorating the house.
  • The contentment of celebrating with a smaller group – with no pressure to have a big party and host, it allows for more in depth conversation and quality time with those few people you spend the day with.
  • Trying something brand new – some of the team enjoyed virtual festivals like ‘Glast-home-bury’ in the garden, Zoom quizzes and dress up, online calligraphy workshops and ordering delicious take away food or restaurant meal kits to prepare and try.
  • Bringing family and friends from all over the world together digitally – we’ve all become so good at using zoom / video calls over this time that it’s never been easier to get everyone together and catch up, even though we can’t physically be together. From friends across the world to grandparents we can’t yet hug, having that catch up no doubt brings a smile to our birthdays.
  • Spending time outside – distanced birthday walks with friends, picnics, wine around a bonfire or getting your favourite coffee from the local café – all feels so much more valuable now!

If you have a birthday coming up perhaps take a leaf from some of the above experiences, and we’d love to know your own silver linings from celebrations in recent months!


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